Repurchase of C-RAD B-shares week 33 - 2024


Between 12th and 14th of August 2024 C-RAD AB (publ) (LEI code 549300SPXLHF15W2CU25), has repurchased in total 30,000 own B-shares (ISIN: SE0002016352).

The repurchase is carried out in accordance with the Annual General Meeting's authorization to the Board to acquire shares in the Company. The purpose of the repurchase is to cover the Company’s obligations under previously resolved incentive programs.

DateAggregated daily volume (number of shares):Weighted average share price per day (SEK):Total daily transaction value (SEK):

All acquisitions have been carried out on Nasdaq Stockholm by Pareto on behalf of C-RAD. Following the above acquisitions, C-RAD AB holds a total of 188,500 class B-shares in treasury as per 14 August 2024, equivalent to 0.56 percent of the total number of shares outstanding, and 0.45 percent of the votes.

The total number of shares outstanding in C-RAD AB, including shares held in treasury, is 33,766,935, where of 862,887 are Class A-shares and 32,904,048 are Class B-shares.

Datum 2024-08-20, kl 08:15
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