Invitation to Byggfakta Group’s Capital Markets Day

Byggfakta Group invites analysts, shareholders and institutional investors to our Capital Markets Day on 4 October 2023, at Tändstickspalatset, Kreugersalen, in Stockholm at 09.00-13.00 (CEST).

During the day Dario Aganovic, CEO, together with invited speakers will provide an update on Byggfakta Group’s strategy- and business plan as well as an in-depth presentation of Byggfakta Group’s operations.

The Capital Markets Day will be live-streamed, and a link to the event will be made available on Byggfakta Group’s website. There will also be an opportunity to view the presentations afterwards.

Notification of registration is made via e-mail to, no later than 22 September 2023.

For individual meetings, please contact Erik Kronqvist, Head of IR, +46 70 697 22 22,

Datum 2023-07-03, kl 08:00
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