Bure Equity AB (publ) (“Bure”) today announces that the Board of Directors has resolved, by virtue of the authorisation by the Annual General Meeting held on May 3, 2023, to issue and immediately thereafter re-purchase 105,136 class C shares. The shares are issued and re-purchased in accordance with the incentive program LTIP 2023 which was adopted by the Annual General Meeting held on May 3, 2023.
Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Sverige, subscribed for the entire issue of new class C shares at a subscription price of SEK 7.77 per share, corresponding to the quota value of the shares. The entire issue of class C shares will thereafter, in accordance with the Board of Directors’ resolution, be re-purchased by Bure for the same price. The class C shares will be converted into ordinary shares prior to delivery to qualifying participants of LTIP 2023.
The purpose of the re-purchase is to ensure delivery of shares to participants and to secure social contributions arising as a result of LTIP 2023. The class C shares do not entitle to dividends and each share entitles to 1/10 voting right.

Datum 2023-11-06, kl 14:20
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