Bravida provides security solutions at a new prison in Östersund for an order value of approximately SEK 40 million

Frösö Strand Prison will become a new Swedish Prison and Probation Service prison as a result of a major renovation of a former psychiatric facility. The project is a collaborative project and will be implemented jointly by the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and Bravida.

The assignment includes the installation of alarm and access control systems, CCTV systems, intercom systems, portable attack alarms, UPS power, multi-function networks and perimeter protection. The project will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, Bravida will assist the Prison and Probation Service with the final design work. The second phase covers the execution of the installation contract.

“We are very proud of our ability to deliver this security project. This also strengthens our ability to attract the best talent and further develop our system solutions,” comments Gottfrid Seidevall, Business Area Manager for Fire & Security at Bravida.

Bravida’s assignment has already started and is scheduled for completion in the third quarter of 2025.

For further information, please contact: 
Liselotte Stray
Head of Group Communications
+46 76 852 38 11

Datum 2024-07-03, kl 08:00
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