Norwegian court rules in favor of Boozt in dispute with the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten)


Boozt received notification today that the Oslo District Court has issued a judgment in the case involving Boozt Fashion AB and the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) (case number: 23-029281TVI-TOSL/02). The case centers around the validity of the Norwegian Tax Administration's decision on September 30, 2022, to reject Boozt’s application for simplified registration for value-added tax.

The Norwegian Tax Administration's rejection was grounded in its assertion that Boozt had engaged in what is known as domestic Norwegian revenue, a claim that Boozt has disputed. After a thorough examination of the case's circumstances, the Oslo District Court has determined that Boozt should not be considered as having domestic Norwegian revenue. Consequently, the Norwegian Tax Administration's decision on September 30, 2022, is deemed to be based on an erroneous legal interpretation. The judgment renders the Norwegian Tax Administration's decision from that date invalid, and as a result, the Norwegian state is obligated to reimburse Boozt for its legal expenses.

The judgment handed down by the Oslo District Court will become legally binding four weeks after being served to the parties, unless it is appealed to the Court of Appeals (Lagmanssretten) within this timeframe.

Should the judgment of the Oslo District Court become legally binding, it will have the indirecteffect of relieving Boozt going forward of the obligation to pay Norwegian import duties on products sold to Norwegian customers. These import duties amounted to approximately 45 million SEK during the fiscal year 2022. The cost-saving implications of the Oslo District Court's judgment are expected to be fully realized only in 2024, provided that the judgement becomes legally binding.

Datum 2023-09-08, kl 15:39
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