Boozt resolves on conversion of series C shares into ordinary shares for delivery to participants in incentive program


The board of directors of Boozt AB (“Boozt”) has on 3 July 2023 resolved to convert 735,359 series C shares into ordinary shares for delivery of shares to participants in the long-term incentive program in the form of a performance-based share program that was adopted at the extraordinary general meeting held on 1 July 2020 (“LTI 2020”).

The board of directors of Boozt has, in accordance with the provisions of LTI 2020, resolved to convert 735,359 series C shares for allotment of the same number of ordinary shares to the participants in LTI 2020, where 99,490 ordinary shares were allotted to the CEO of Boozt, 379,139 ordinary shares to other group management and 256,730 ordinary shares to key employees. A total of 26 participants have been allotted ordinary shares in LTI 2020. 

The number of outstanding shares in Boozt, after the registration of the above-mentioned conversion of series C shares into ordinary shares, amounts to a total of 68,289,488 shares, of which 66,544,621 are ordinary shares with one vote each and 1,744,867 are series C shares with 1/10 vote each. All series C shares are held by Boozt. The total number of votes in Boozt amounts to 66,719,107.70.

Datum 2023-07-03, kl 11:30
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