The market submission for CERAMENT® V in the US will be a 510(k)

BONESUPPORT™, a leading company in orthobiologics for the management of bone injuries, today announces that the company’s submission for marketing authorization for its antibiotic eluting bone graft substitute, CERAMENT V (vancomycin), following discussions with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), will proceed through a 510(k) pathway, instead of a De Novo application.

The marketing approval for CERAMENT® G in 2022 was based on extensive efficacy and patient safety data, with nearly 17,000 clinical data points. Since CERAMENT V shares the same mechanism of action as CERAMENT G, despite containing a different antibiotic, CERAMENT G can serve as a predicate device for CERAMENT V. The submission is still scheduled for the first quarter of 2025.

CERAMENT V has previously received “breakthrough device” designation from the FDA for the indication bone infection.

Datum 2024-07-01, kl 14:30
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