BONESUPPORT hosts Capital Markets Day 2023


BONESUPPORT HOLDING AB,(publ), a leading company in orthobiologics for the management of bone injuries, hosts its Capital Markets Day (CMD) for analysts, investors, and media today. The purpose is to give an update on the strategy and development of BONESUPPORT. Focus of the day is innovation. At the event the company is also giving an updated outlook for 2024 of sales growth above 40 percent.

As a consequence of the strong current business momentum and further initiatives coming into effect as of 2025, the company currently finds it prudent to apply a one-year guiding horizon. Thus, the updated guidance is;
Sales growth above 40 percent (in constant currency) in 2024.
The CMD will also give the participants a more in-depth understanding of BONESUPPORT’s plans, including a future expansion into spinal fusion and a planned marketing authorization application submission for CERAMENT V in the US in Q1 2025.  
The event is held at GT30 Grev Ture, rum Bond, Grev Turegatan 30 in Stockholm and is broadcast live today 13:30-17:00 pm CET at

Datum 2023-11-28, kl 12:00
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