Communiqué from Annual General Meeting in BoMill AB


Today, 12 April 2024, the ordinary general meeting of BoMill AB, with company registration number 556556-4332 ("BoMill" or the "Company"), was held. Below is a summary of the resolutions made.

The meeting resolved the following:

  • to approve the presented income statement and balance sheet.
  • to dispose of the company's earnings in accordance with the approved balance sheet, in accordance with the board of directors' proposal in the annual report and that no dividend shall be made for the financial year 2023.
  • to grant the members of the board of directors and the managing director discharge from liability for the financial year 2023 in relation to the company regarding the 2023 year's management.
  • to re-elect Lars Persson, Henrik Hedlund, Peter Nilsson, Stefan Stockhaus and Magnus René as the board of directors. Lars Persson was re-elected chairperson of the board of directors, all in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee.
  • to elect Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as the company's auditor until the end of the ordinary general meeting to be held next financial year, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee.
  • that the board compensation shall be in the amount of SEK 150,000 to the chairperson and in the amount of SEK 75,000 each to the proposed members of the board of directors Peter Nilsson, Stefan Stockhaus and Magnus René, and that the auditor's fee to be paid in accordance with an approved invoice in accordance with customary billing standards, all in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee.
  • to adopt the principles for the appointment of the nomination committee and instructions for the nomination committee's work in accordance with in the meeting submitted proposition for resolution from the nomination committee.
  • to approve the board of directors' proposition for resolution for the share issue with preferential rights for the shareholders (the "Rights Issue").

All resolutions were taken unanimously with the required majority.

The minutes of the meeting will be found on BoMill's website after being certified, at the latest two weeks after the meeting:

For additional information, visit or contact BoMill.


Timetable for the Rights Issue

  • 17 April 2024: Last day of trading in BoMill shares, including the right to obtain subscription rights.
  • 18 April 2024: First day of trading in BoMill shares, excluding the right to obtain subscription rights.
  • 19 April 2024: Record date for the right to subscription rights.
  • 25 April - 8 May 2024: Trading in subscription rights. 
  • 25 April - 14 May 2024: Subscription period.
  • 25 April 2024 - week 23/24, 2024: Trading with shares as BTA (paid-up subscribed shares), will continue until the Rights Issue is registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, which is expected to be week 23/24, 2024.
  • 17 May 2024: Planned announcement regarding the final outcome of the subscription of the Rights Issue.

Summary of the Rights Issue's conditions

  • Subscription price: SEK 0.60 per new share. No commission is paid.
  • Volume of the Rights Issue: The Company will receive a maximum amount of approximately SEK 16.8 million by the Rights Issue before transaction costs, which preliminary is estimated to be approximately SEK 1.0 million.
  • Preferential right to subscribe: A shareholder receives one (1) subscription right for each share registered on the record date 19 April 2024 to the shareholder. Ten (10) subscription rights entitle to subscribe with preferential right three (3) new shares in the Company.
  • Subscription and payment: Subscription of shares shall take place during the subscription period in accordance with the prospectus.
  • Number of shares: The number of shares in the Company will increase with a maximum number of 27 917 442 shares from 93 058 140 shares to a total maximum of 120 975 582 shares if the Rights Issue is wholly subscribed.
  • Dilution: Existing shareholders who choose not to use their subscription rights to subscribe for new shares will be subject to a dilution effect corresponding to approximately a maximum of 23 percent of the votes and capital in the Company.
  • Underwriting and pre-subscription commitments: The Company has received pre-subscription and underwriting commitments amounting to approximately SEK 16.8 million (which equals 100 percent of the maximum amount of the Rights Issue). However, the commitments are not secured by bank guarantees, blocked funds, pledges, or similar arrangements.
  • Marketplace: Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
  • Subscription rights that are not exercised during the subscription period become invalid and lose their value. Subscription rights that are not intended to be used shall be sold at the latest on 8 May 2024 to not expire without value.


An EU growth prospectus will be prepared and published no later than the subscription period begins. A press release will be sent when the prospectus is published and held available on BoMill's website (,  Nordic Issuing's website ( For complete information on the Rights Issue and its conditions, please refer to the prospectus.

Issuer agent

Nordic Issuing acts as the issuer agent in connection with the Rights Issue.

Datum 2024-04-12, kl 10:58
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