BoMill Q2 Report April - June 2023


Successful first installations of BoMill InSight™ paves way for commercial expansion

CEO Andreas Jeppsson comments:

"Another important milestone reached for BoMill, during this second quarter 2023, with the first two commercial installations of BoMill InSight™."

Net sales and income for the second quarter (April - June 2023)          

  • Net sales amounted to KSEK 5 316 (KSEK 0).
  • Net income after financial items amounted to KSEK -2 459 (KSEK -6 415).
  • Net income per net weighted average share amounted to SEK -0,05 (SEK -0,25).
  • Cash flow during the second quarter amounted to KSEK 14 498 (KSEK 15 507).
  • Orders received as of June 30, 2023, amounted to MSEK 1,0 (MSEK 2,8).
  • As of June 30, 2023, cash and cash equivalents amounted to KSEK 21 629 (KSEK 25 311).

Net sales and income for the first six months (January - June, 2023)  

  • Net sales amounted to KSEK 5 371 (KSEK 452).
  • Net income after financial items amounted to KSEK -6 415 (KSEK -11 701).
  • Net income per net weighted average share amounted to SEK -0,17 (SEK -0,57).
  • Cash flow during the period amounted to KSEK 6 985 (KSEK 10 769).
  • Orders received during the period amounted to MSEK 1,0 (MSEK 2,8).

Highlights during the second quarter

  • BoMill InSight™ showcased at IAOM Expo in Minneapolis (USA) on April 17-21 (Press release April 3, 2023)
  • On April 6, in accordance with the proposals from the Board of Directors, the extraordinary general meeting approved a reduction of the share equity by 9 305 814 SEK, new Articles of Association and a share issue of 21,9 MSEK with preferential rights, with a subscription period between April 19 and May 3.
  • On May 8, BoMill announced that the share issue, ended on May 3, was fully subscribed. Following registration to the Swedish Companies Registration Office, the registered share capital amounts to 27 917 442 SEK divided into 93 058 140 shares with a quota value of 0,30 SEK.
  • On May 23, BoMill signed an agreement worth approximately 1,0 MSEK, with a leading multinational grain processing company. The agreement is part of a project evaluating BoMill InSight™ and covers a six-month rental period.
  • Appointment of Hansi Biedermann to the newly established role of Business Development Manager. He assumes the position from May 12, 2023, and is part of the Operation Management Team. (Press release May 30, 2023)
  • On June 27, BoMill entered into a distribution agreement with Tripette & Renaud for the French market.

Highlights after the end of the period

  • On August 3, BoMill announced that two BoMill InSight™ were successfully installed and now in operation, a third installation is scheduled for later this year.

BoMill Q2 report can be found on BoMill's website (

Datum 2023-08-24, kl 08:30
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