Biovica International

Biovica signs US commercial agreement with Occum Health


Biovica today announces that the company has signed a commercial agreement with Occum Health for DiviTum® TKa in the US, making the blood test available to the more than 500 self-insured clients and key strategic partners.

Occum Health is a healthcare solutions company focused on delivering savings and improved benefits to self-insured employers.

“We are thrilled to offer our DiviTum TKa test through this partnership with Occum Health. Innovative partnerships of this kind ensure that we are able to raise broad awareness for DiviTum TKa amongst payers, providers, and caregivers to facilitate a more personalized approach to advanced cancer care,” said Warren Cresswell, President of the Americas at Biovica.

Don Marette, President of Occum Health stated, “We are excited to welcome Biovica’s assay, DiviTum® TKa, to the Occum Health network. New novel assets like DiviTum® TKa will support Occum Health’s continued growth by enhancing the value proposition for direct-to-employer offerings.”

Datum 2023-07-31, kl 08:00
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