Change in number of votes


As previously announced, Biotage AB (publ) (“Biotage”) has during July 2023 re-classified 70,307 class C shares to 70,307 ordinary shares in connection with the completion of the long-term incentive plan adopted on the Annual General Meeting 2020 (“LTIP 2020”). The re-classification was carried out by Biotage in order to (i) deliver ordinary shares to participants in LTIP 2020 and (ii) sell ordinary shares in the market in order to cover social contributions arising as a result of LTIP 2020.

Prior to the re-classification, the total number of outstanding shares in Biotage amounted to 80,667,695 and the total number of votes amounted to 80,010,859.7. Through the re-classification, the total number of votes in Biotage has increased by 63,276.3 while the total number of shares remain unchanged. As of today, the last trading day of the month, the total number of registered shares in Biotage amounts to 80,667,695, whereof 80,008,185 are ordinary shares and 659,510 are class C shares held by Biotage. As of today, the number of votes in Biotage amounts to 80,074,136, and the registered share capital amounts to SEK 112,128,096.05.

Datum 2023-07-31, kl 17:30
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