Biosergen publishes interim report for fourth quarter 2023


Summary of the Interim Report for Q4 2023

2023 2022 2023 2022
TSEK Oct-Dec Oct-Dec Jan-Dec Jan-Dec
Other income 1.315 1.964 9.378 5.183
Profit/loss before depreciation (EBITDA) -6.662 -12.491 -27.266 -39.987
Operating profit/loss befor net financials -6.662 -12.491 -27.037 -39.987
Net financials 193 87 229 109
Netprofit/loss for the period -6.469 -12.432 -27.037 -39.906
Earnings per share (SEK) -0,13 -0,40 -0,53 -1,28

Highlights during Q4 2023

  • December 12, Biosergen’s Partner Alkem Laboratories Submits Clinical Trial Application for First Patient Study with BSG005 in Invasive Fungal Infections in India as a Rescue Therapy

Highlights after the period

  • February 12, Biosergen receives regulatory approval to test lead candidate BSG005 in patients with invasive fungal infection.
  • January 30, Biosergen carries out a rights issue of units of approximately SEK 40.5 million, and secures bridge loan
  • January 12, Biosergen Announces Leadership Transition: Peder M. Andersen to Step Down as CEO, Tine Olesen Appointed as Successor

The Financial report can be found on our website:

Datum 2024-02-29, kl 08:35
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