Biokraft International

Civil lawsuit in Korea resolved


As previously reported, the Korean subsidiary initiated legal proceedings in 2017 regarding certain administrative costs Ulsan City invoiced the company. The court has previously ruled these costs not to be subject to administrative law leading to the civil lawsuit. The first proceedings were held in May 2021 and a negative outcome was received in September 2021. The ruling was appealed, and the lawsuit was resolved today as the court announced its decision in favour of Ulsan City. The final ruling in writing is expected to arrive within August 31.

The administrative costs have already been accounted for in their entirety and the ruling will not impact the financial result. The company has yet to decide whether to appeal further.

The information is such that Biokraft International AB (publ) is obliged to make public. The information was provided, through the provision of the specified contact person, for publication 2023-08-23, kl 10:30.

Datum 2023-08-23, kl 10:30
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