Biokraft International

Biokraft receives renewed ISCC sustainability certification for Henriksdal, Södertörn and Skogn

ISCC, International Sustainability & Carbon Certification, is a global sustainability certification system that provides traceability of recycled and renewable materials throughout the supply chain and verifies that companies meet social and environmental standards. The certification is obtained through a comprehensive annual audit by external auditors.

"We are very pleased to have received renewed certificates for our three largest facilities. The certification is proof that we deliver what we say and is an important part of both our sustainability efforts and ambition to contribute to the green transition in society at large," says Matti Vikkula, President and CEO, Biokraft International AB.

Increasing demand for sustainable products and services

Demand for ISCC-certified products is increasing from companies wanting to be able to demonstrate traceability of input goods in their value chains. This is particularly important in Biokraft's export markets, including Germany and the Netherlands, where certification can also result in a price premium. We also see that the requirements for ISCC are starting to be set in our domestic (Nordic) market, where there is a demand for traceability according to European standards.

ISCC is based on the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and provides an objective and standardised calculation of emissions of climate-impacting carbon dioxide. Biogas itself is a 100% renewable product that provides reduced climate impact, usually reported in grams of CO2 equivalents compared to fossil fuels.

"Our plants are required to achieve an emission reduction of 60% carbon dioxide, but thanks to the fact that we produce our biogas mainly from waste, we often have a reduction of around 90% or more. Through calculations, we can show our customers how much carbon dioxide reduction their biogas has had, and the certification is the guarantee that it is correct data our customers can trust and in turn communicate. This is important for the credibility of the entire value chain," says Tina Blix, Group Head of Sustainability, Biokraft.

Read more about Biokraft's sustainability work and goals,  

Datum 2023-12-20, kl 09:00
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