Bio-Works Technologies

Lone Carlbom Assumes Role as CEO of Bio-Works


Effective today, Lone Carlbom has assumed the role of CEO of Bio-Works. Concurrently, the company's CEO to date, Jonathan Royce, has resigned from his position in consultation with Bio-Works’ Board of Directors, effective immediately.

Lone Carlbom Assumes Role as CEO of Bio-Works
Effective today, Lone Carlbom has assumed the role of CEO of Bio-Works. Concurrently, the company's CEO to date, Jonathan Royce, has resigned from his position in consultation with Bio-Works’ Board of Directors, effective immediately.
In line with the CEO transition, Bio-Works’ management team is intended to be reorganized with the following positions:

  • Arne Hauge, CFO and Head of Support Functions
  • Maria Åberg, Head of Production
  • Silvia Hellström, Head of Quality Assurance
  • Lone Carlbom will continue to oversee Product Management and R & D
  • A new Head of Sales will join the management team shortly.

“Under Jonathan Royce’s leadership, Bio-Works has seen significant development and initiatives. However, we have not achieved the results that both he and the Board anticipated”, said Peter Ehrenheim, Chairman of the Board at Bio-Works. “We agree that new leadership and a strategic reset are necessary to move Bio-Works forward and realize the potential of our technology platform. Initially, Lone Carlbom will focus entirely on the company’s operations. The Board will take a more active role in implementing the company’s commercial strategy and its communications with the financial markets.”
“The Board would like to thank Jonathan Royce for his efforts and dedication during his tenure with us. Despite the challenges we faced, he has worked strenuously to lead Bio-Works, and we appreciate his contributions. We are confident that Lone Carlbom has the experience and skills required to lead Bio-Works towards a stronger and more successful future”, Ehrenheim concluded.
Lone Carlbom brings over 25 years of experience in leadership roles within the Life Sciences and Biotech industries, with expertise in product management, technical support, and sales. Previously, she held the position of Head of Chromatography Resines and BioProcess Equipment at GE Healthcare Life Sciences (now Cytiva). Additionally, she has served as a consultant in change management and organizational development.

Datum 2024-05-17, kl 11:30
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