Bio-Works Technologies

Correction: Bio-Works receives repeat order worth 2.4 MSEK order for WorkBeads resin


The original press release stated that the order value was 1.9 MSEK, but the actual order value is 2.4 MSEK.

Bio-Works has received a new order from a production customer in the Netherlands worth 2.4 MSEK. The order is a repeat order for a project to which Bio-Works has previously delivered. The customer is a global manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) with approximately 1,800 employees.

“We are very happy to have received this repeat order from a customer who we have been working with for many years. The suitability of WorkBeads in large-scale manufacturing is one of the key features of our technology, and this is yet another example of the product’s reliability in process-scale applications,” said Jonathan Royce, CEO at Bio-Works.

Datum 2024-01-18, kl 15:24
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