Bio-Works Technologies

Bio-Works confirms new order from Indian bio-therapeutic manufacturer worth 3.1 MSEK


Today, Bio-Works Technologies AB has confirmed a production-scale order worth 3.1 MSEK to an Indian manufacturer of bio-therapeutics. This order is a repeat order from a customer which first started using Bio-Works’ products in 2021.

“Bio-Works prides itself on delivering high-quality products and maintaining strong customer relations. This repeat order is evidence that our efforts to design-in WorkBeads resins in production-scale processes is producing lasting results,” said Jonathan Royce, CEO at Bio-Works.

The company that placed the order is a bio-therapeutics manufacturer with launched products and development projects in the areas of plasma proteins, biosimilars, novel proteins and stem cells therapies. They employee over 1,000 people globally.

The order is confirmed for delivery in the second quarter.

Datum 2024-04-16, kl 14:41
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