Bio-Works Technologies

Bio-Works comfirms an order from Nemysis Ltd worth 2.2 MSEK

Bio-Works confirmed a new order of WorkBeads NiMAC, to Nemysis Ltd, an Irish developer of bioactive substances designed to target nutritional disorders and deficiencies. The order, worth approximately 2.2 MSEK, will enable Nemysis to scale-up one of its programs to minimize gastrointestinal disorders.

"Bio-Works is very pleased to be able to support Nemysis in its mission to create products which prevent the negative side effects of nutrient disorders and deficiency," said Lone Carlbom, CEO of Bio-Works Technologies. “This order is evidence that our strategy to create unique purification products is in line with the needs of a diversifying platform of biotherapeutic molecules.”

“Bio-Works provided us with an excellent affinity resin and related support to optimize the purification of our enzyme and speed up the downstream operations. Nemysis strongly believes the collaboration with Bio-Works will continue as a strategic relationship in its production of the best quality of this valuable finished product.” said Cristina Comelli, CSO at Nemysis Ltd.

Nemysis Ltd. is a Specialty Pharmaceutical Company focused on therapeutic solutions for highly prevalent nutritional disorders and deficiencies, delivering products to the healthcare market.

Datum 2024-11-04, kl 16:30
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