Bio-Works Technologies

Bio-Works appeals case to Supreme Administrative Court

Bio-Works Technologies AB has been subjected to a tax surcharge of 2.0 MSEK following a decision by the Swedish Tax Agency. The decision by the Administrative Court on August 22, 2023, was appealed to the Court of Appeal on September 19, 2023. The Court of Appeal made the same judgement as the Administrative Court and the Swedish Tax Agency in a verdict on March 25, 2024.

The company has now appealed the Court of Appeal’s ruling to the Supreme Administrative Court.

The company’s assessment is that the Supreme Administrative Court will approve the further appeal. The company’s stance is that the tax surcharge is disproportionate in relation to the single mistake made in the tax filing. As there is however an element of uncertainty in the appeal process to the Supreme Administrative Court, the company has decided to book the tax surcharge to costs in the Annual Report for 2023.

Datum 2024-04-19, kl 10:10
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