BIMobject: Interim Report July-September 2023


Third quarter financial highlights

  • ARR in constant currencies of MSEK 131.3 (122.6) at end of quarter, +7%
  • Net sales of MSEK 40.9 (33.8), +21%, including a currency effect of +8%. Net sales from Carbonzero AB of MSEK 2.2 (0.7)
  • Net sales from recurring revenue of MSEK 32.2 (27.9), +16%, including a currency effect of +8%, representing 79% of total net sales
  • EBITDA of MSEK 0.2 (-9.8)
  • Basic earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.01 (-0.09)
  • Group cash flow from operating activities of MSEK -5.3 (-17.6)

Significant events during and after the quarter

  • Aug 18 BIMobject celebrates 4M user registrations
  • Sep 26 BIMobject welcomes leading seating manufacturer Figueras Seating to

Shareholders, analysts and the media are welcome to attend a webcast held today at 14:00 (CET) where CEO Martin Lindh together with Chairperson of the Board Peter Bang, and Finance Director Per Göransson will present the report. The presentation will be held in English via Zoom and the presentation material will subsequently be published on
To participate in the presentation, please use the following link:

To ask a question, please send it by email to

Datum 2023-10-27, kl 08:00
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