[Correction - incorrectly use of MAR label] Resolutions at the Extraordinary General Meeting in Beyond Frames Entertainment AB (publ)


At the extraordinary general meeting of Beyond Frames Entertainment AB (publ) on December 16, 2024, in the company's offices at Bondegatan 21 in Stockholm, the following main decisions were made. For detailed information about the decisions, refer to the complete summons.

5: Warrant Issue
Decision: To approve the warrant according to Appendix 1:1 but change the number of warrant issued from 370 000 to 130 000, to match the KPOs.

6: Decision regarding employee option program (“kvalificerade personaloptioner”)
Decision: To issue qualified employee stock options to employees, but reduce the number of KPOs from 370 000 to 130 000, which will increase the share capital with maximum 6 500kr, and to approve that the company shall have the right to assign the warrants subscribed for as per point 5 above to the persons that are included in the KPOs.

7: Distribution of KPOs of the board members
To not approve the distribution to the board now. ARVR Holding AB will create a new proposal during H1 2025 for decision-making on the AGM 2025.

The protocol from the extraordinary general meeting will soon be available on the company's website, https://beyondframes.com/investors

Datum 2024-12-16, kl 14:28
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