Reporting of transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them in Better Collective A/S’ shares


Pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation article 19, Better Collective A/S (the “Company”), CVR no. 27652913, hereby notifies receipt of information of the following transactions made by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in the Company and persons closely associated with them in Better Collective's shares.

Regulatory release 40/2024

Jens Bager, Chair of the Board of Directors of Better Collective has on August 28, 2024 executed a sale of 150,000 shares. The objective of the sale was to finance the payment of accumulated tax on unrealized gains referred to as inventory tax. 

Jens Bager holds 850,000 shares in Better Collective following the sale.

Datum 2024-08-29, kl 19:11
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