Better Collective – Share buyback program


On July 6, 2023 Better Collective A/S (“the Company”) initiated a share buyback program for up to 10 mEUR, to be executed during the period from July 7, 2023 to August 21, 2023.

Regulatory Release no. 33/2023

Reference is made to the regulatory release no. 32 “Better Collective initiates share buyback program” published on July 6, 2023.

The following transactions have been executed under the program during the period from July 7, 2023 to July 13, 2023:

Date Number of sharesAverage weighted purchase price
(SEK per share)
Amount (SEK)
Accumulated under the program following above purchases:24,342

Following the above purchases, Better Collective A/S holds 1,223,931 treasury shares corresponding to 2.2% of the outstanding share capital of the Company.

Purchases for an amount of up to EUR 9,540,448 (SEK 113,680,569) remain to be executed under the program.

Datum 2023-07-14, kl 08:00
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