Better Collective provides preliminary unaudited numbers as revenue exceeds financial target for 2023


Better Collective is proud to announce full year revenues of 327 mEUR with EBITDA of 111 mEUR, implying growth of 21% and 31% respectively. Revenue thereby exceeded the group’s target while EBITDA ended in the high end of the range.

Regulatory release no. 3/2024

Financial highlights

  • Revenue for the full year of approximately 327 mEUR (target 315-325 mEUR)
  • EBITDA before special items for the full year of approximately 111 mEUR (target 105-115 mEUR)
  • Net debt to EBITDA before special items below 2.0 (target below 2.0)

2023 was a very strong year
During 2023, Better Collective has upgraded its financial targets twice due to strong operational performance and accretive acquisitions. The first guidance set out in the beginning of the year was targeting revenues of 290-300 mEUR and EBITDA of 90-100 mEUR. The latest guidance targeted revenues of 315-325 mEUR and EBITDA of 105-115, hence exceeding the revenue target and being in the top end of the range of the EBITDA-range. The net debt to EBITDA target was met. 

Better Collective will release its Q4 and full year report on February 21, after market close.

Datum 2024-02-09, kl 10:15
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