New division names reflect broadened acquisition strategy

Our vision is to be the leading niche supplier of productive, safe and sustainable solutions to the construction and manufacturing sectors. As part of our vision, we have chosen to broaden our acquisition focus and to impose stricter requirements on operating margins and profitability in our acquisitions. The goal is to acquire combined earnings of MSEK 50–80 per year and to obtain greater exposure to new areas with favourable conditions for growth. Our acquisitions will primarily focus on niche B2B technology companies with strong market positions, mainly in the Nordic region and the UK. With our new, broader acquisition strategy, we are well positioned to add highly profitable companies with good growth prospects to the Group over time.

To better reflect our broader focus and strategic development and to provide clarity for our employees, the stock market and the M&A market, we are changing the names of our three divisions. The Building Materials division has been renamed Core Solutions, Tools & Consumables is now Industrial Equipment, and Workplace Safety has been renamed Safety Technology. The companies in Core Solutions offer products and solutions that form part of the customer’s end product – for example, fastening products, metal suspended ceilings, and fire seals for marine vessels. Industrial Equipment delivers solutions such as tools, instruments and machinery needed to complete the customer’s products. Safety Technology focuses on companies offering safety products and solutions, such as personal safety equipment, perimeter protection, technical safety solutions and fire safety. The changes to the division names do not entail any changes to the divisional affiliations of our companies.

“With our broader acquisition focus and stricter requirements on operating margins and profitability in our acquisitions, we are well placed to deliver on our target of MSEK 500 in EBIT with an EBIT margin of 10 percent,” says Magnus Söderlind, President & CEO of Bergman & Beving.

Stockholm, 13 June 2024

Bergman & Beving AB (publ)

Datum 2024-06-13, kl 10:00
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