Learn more about BeammWave and the significance of the new customer and what’s next – live at Stora Aktiedagarna, November 26

CEO Stefan Svedberg will expand on the significance of securing a new customer that is a global market leader in the mmWave industry. He will also discuss the developments following BeammWave’s achievement as the first in the world to demonstrate distributed digital beamforming. What lie ahead for BeammWave, and what’s next in our journey?

This is a significant step for BeammWave adding an Asian customer that is a global electronics leader with a broad portfolio of electronic components and solutions serving the global electronics industry and a wide variety of applications. The company has a turnover exceeding USD 10 billion and more than 70,000 employees.

“I’m excited to present live in Stockholm and share how this new customer, a market leader in the mmWave market, represents a transformative step for us, while also complementing our ongoing partnership with our first customer, Molex. I’ll highlight how the new project with Saab both strengthen and expands our business opportunities”, says Stefan Svedberg, CEO of BeammWave.

  • Date & Time: November 26, 2024, at 19.00
  • Location: Stora Aktiedagarna, Stockholm, get details and sign up for the event here.

If unable to attend in person, the presentation will be streamed online at the following link:
BeammWave Stock Days Stockholm
A recorded version will also be available afterward on the company’s website at www.beammwave.com.

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Datum 2024-11-21, kl 08:15
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