BeammWave’s Interim Report for the period January-September 2024


Focus on customers, product and delivery

BeammWave AB's Interim Report for the period January-September 2024 is now available on the Company's website

The optimistic outlook we previously shared in terms of new customers, remains and has been strengthened. All the discussions we’ve been having over the past few years continue, and our view of timing remains largely unchanged, says Stefan Svedberg, CEO of BeammWave.

Highlights during the third quarter

  • BeammWave makes the world's first Over-The-Air demonstration of Distributed Digital Beamforming
  • BeammWave CEO in analyst interview with Redeye
  • BeammWave appoints Pareto Securities as liquidity guarantor
  • BeammWave participated in Aktiespararna's event Aktiedagarna

Highlights after the period

  • BeammWave and Saab awarded SEK 4.1M in an innovation grant from Vinnova
  • BeammWave joins the XG Mobile Promotion Forum (XGMF), a Japanese forum that aims to promote mobile services and the development of mobile businesses
  • BeammWave granted SEK 3M contribution from the Vinnova call “6G Research and innovation 2024”
  • The BeammWave Patent Portfolio for Digital Beamforming expands with a grant in Korea of the one of BeammWaves fundamental patents

Period July-September 2024
- Net sales was SEK 0K (0)
- Operating profit/loss was SEK -6,082K (-4,868)
- Profit/loss before tax was SEK -5,980K (-4,745)
- Earnings per share was SEK -0.27 (-0.36)
- Solvency was 90 (91) %

Period January-September 2024
- Net sales was SEK 1,066K (0)
- Operating profit/loss was SEK -16,053K (-14,185)
- Profit/loss before tax was SEK -15,858K (-13,771)
- Earnings per share was SEK -0.93 (-1.05)
- Solvency was 90 (91) %

Datum 2024-11-14, kl 17:32
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