BeammWave Expands Its Patent Portfolio for Digital Beamforming

BeammWave has been informed by the Taiwanese Patent Office that they intend to grant a patent.

This patent provides protection for a method and architecture for efficient digital beamforming.

BeammWave now has a total of 39 patent families, of which 17 are granted within five (5) different patent families, protecting the unique concept of digital beamforming.

"Digital beamforming undoubtedly offers much higher performance compared to its analog counterpart. The challenge has been to make it energy and cost-efficient. This patent, which covers a method and architecture for efficient digital beamforming, is part of BeammWave's unique solution to that issue”, says Joakim Axmon, Senior Expert, Systems & Standards at BeammWave.

Datum 2024-06-19, kl 10:04
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