Bambuser Signs 24-Month One-to-One Video Commerce Agreement With Shiseido Japan

London/NY/Stockholm ‒ 21 July 2023 ‒ Bambuser has announced a pivotal new contract with the Japanese global beauty conglomerate.

The extensive agreement to use Bambuser’s shoppable, two-way video calling solution, “One-to-One” will enable Shiseido Japan to provide a private and deeply personalized online consultation service in addition to creating pivotal conversion opportunities.  
Embedded into retailers’ websites in the domestic Japanese market, One-to-One will deliver on the brand’s mission of offering exceptional service to their customers. Starting its series of launches in 2023, the agreement includes retailers such as Sogo & Seibu Company, Limited and Takashimaya Company, Limited.
Shiseido is a renowned global beauty conglomerate founded in 1872 in Tokyo and is regarded as a leader in the industry not only domestically but also internationally. Its products include skin care, makeup and fragrance lines.

Datum 2023-07-21, kl 13:55
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