Nicholas Pettersson appointed new Managing Director of Willys


As of 1 February, next year, Nicholas Pettersson will succeed Thomas Evertsson as Managing Director of Willys, as Thomas has decided to move on in his career after almost 16 years at Willys and the Axfood Group. Nicholas has been part of Axfood for almost 20 years, most recently as Managing Director of Axfood's purchasing and logistics company Dagab since 2014.

- After a stellar performance and leadership at Willys, I have the utmost respect for Thomas Evertsson's decision to in an orderly way conclude his executive career after year-end. I am very happy that Nicholas Pettersson is the one who will succeed Thomas. Nicholas' extensive experience from food retail and his current role at Dagab makes him perfectly suited with the relevant experience for this role. In addition, Nicholas is a very appreciated leader, always with a clear focus on customers, employees and the business, says Klas Balkow, President and CEO of Axfood.

- I feel honoured to have been given the opportunity to succeed Thomas, who has developed Willys to become Sweden's most recommended food retail chain. I very much look forward to continuing to develop Willys' strong position with Sweden's cheapest bag of groceries together with the incredibly skilled and talented team at Willys, says Nicholas Pettersson, current Managing Director of Dagab and future Managing Director of Willys.

- After almost 16 years with Willys, I have decided to move on to a new phase in my career. I have had a fantastic time at Willys where I, in my role as Managing Director, has had the opportunity to lead the development of Willys to what it is today. Now is a good time, both for the company and for me personally, to hand over to an excellent person in a planned and orderly way. I am very happy that it is Nicholas who, starting next year, will take charge to lead Willys on its continued journey, says Thomas Evertsson, current Managing Director of Willys.

The recruitment process to appoint Nicholas Pettersson's successor in the role as Managing Director of Dagab will start immediately.


Datum 2023-07-06, kl 08:00
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