Awardit AB (publ.) – Interim Report January – June 2023


Awardit AB (publ), listed on the NASDAQ First North Growth Market, submits the following report for the period 1 January - 30 June 2023.

April – June 2023

  • Net revenue increased with 27.8 percent to MSEK 247.9 (193.9), of which 3.5 percent organic.
  • EBITA result amounted to MSEK 14.0 (27.8) and EBITA margin amounted to 5.6 (14.3) percent.
  • EBITA per share, before and after dilution, amounted to SEK 1.62 (3.34).
  • Operating result EBIT amounted to MSEK 2.1 (18.5) and EBIT margin amounted to 0.8 (9.5) percent.
  • The result for the quarter amounted to MSEK -7.8 (7.7) and earnings per share after tax, before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.90 (0.92).

January – June 2023

  • Net revenue increased with 30.0 percent to MSEK 469.8 (361.3), of which 8.9 percent organic.
  • EBITA result amounted to MSEK 21.1 (33.5) and EBITA margin amounted to 4.5 (9.3) percent.
  • EBITA per share, before and after dilution, amounted to SEK 2.47 (4.02).
  • Operating result EBIT amounted to MSEK -1.3 (15.0) and EBIT margin amounted to -0.3 (4.1) percent.
  • The result for the quarter amounted to MSEK -20.4 (-4.7) and earnings per share after tax, before and after dilution amounted to SEK -2.38 (-0.56).

Significant events during the second quarter

  • On 16 May, a communiqué was published with resolutions from the Annual General Meeting. The meeting resolved on a dividend to the shareholders of SEK 2.25 (0) per share, where payment of the entire amount of MSEK 19.5 took place in May. The AGM also decided to introduce an incentive programme for senior executives, key individuals and other employees, consisting of a maximum of 295,000 subscription warrants in a series 2023/2026, where each subscription warrant gives the right to subscribe for one (1) new share in Awardit, and to authorise the Board of Directors, within the framework of the current Articles of Association, on one or more occasions up to the next Annual General Meeting, to resolve on an increase in the Company's share capital through a new issue of shares.

Significant events after the end of the reporting period

  • No significant events to report

In a comment to the second quarter of the year CEO Erik Grohman says:

“Awardit´s core business continues to stand strong despite challenging market conditions. However, the second quarter has been negatively affected by significantly worse results in the subsidiary MBXP than the corresponding quarter last year, which we are of course working intensively to remedy.”

The Interim Report for the period January - June 2023 can also be found on Awardit´s website Investor relations | Awardit

Datum 2023-08-15, kl 08:00
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