Awardit AB has appointed Jacob Stjernfält as Group Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

Awardit AB (publ) has today appointed Jacob Stjernfält as the new Group Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of the group. Jacob Stjernfält will take up the position on February 12, 2024. Jacob Stjernfält comes most recently from a role as a consultant in his own company and has previously, among other things, been Group CFO at ZetaDisplay AB (publ). Jacob Stjernfält will be part of Awardit's group management team.

In connection with Jacob Stjernfält's appointment, Awardit's current Group CFO, Cecilia Ponthan, will take on a role as Nordic CFO, strengthening the management and governance of the company’s Nordic business.

Datum 2024-01-03, kl 15:55
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