AVTECH Sweden AB (publ) Interim Report January – September 2024



MSEKQuarter 3Quarter 2Quarter 3
Net sales revenue8.68.67.5
Operating earnings before depreciation+3.8+4.0+4.2
Net earnings+2.7+2.7+3.1
Net earnings per share, SEK+0.047+0.048+0.054
Cash and cash equivalents24.820.721.0
Equity per share, SEK0.760.710.67
Equity ratio, %89.9%90.2%92.9%

* Dividend of approximately 5.6 MSEK

  • Net sales revenue in the third quarter increased by 15.3% compared to the same period in 2023, and approximately 1% compared to the previous quarter. The new customer agreements established during the year contributed to this growth, while the increase was slightly tempered by negative developments in the USD/SEK and EUR/SEK exchange rates.
  • Net earnings decreased by 13.3% compared to the same period in 2023. This is a result of the investments made over the past quarters, where we have increased resources in both sales and technology to enhance our scalability and manage a higher influx of new airline customers in the coming years.
  • Cash flow increased by 47.9% compared to the same period in 2023. Delayed customer payments from previous quarters have largely been received, and the remaining overdue accounts receivable are expected to be paid after the end of the period.
Datum 2024-10-25, kl 08:30
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