AroCell nomination committee for the AGM 2024


AroCell AB (publ.) publishes the nomination committee’s composition for the AGM in 2024.

The nomination committee, which is appointed in accordance with the principles adopted by the annual general meeting on May 24th, 2023, consists of:

  • Christian Lindgren (chairman of the election committee), representing Agartha AB
  • Clas Runnberg, representing Labbex Förvaltnings AB
  • Jon Eiken, representing own shares

Before the annual general meeting 2024, the nomination committee shall prepare a proposal for the election of the chairman and other members of the board of directors, the election of the chairman of the annual meeting, the election of auditors, the determination of fees, and matters pertaining thereto.
For more information, please visit:
Nomination committee - AroCell
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee for the annual general meeting 2024 can e-mail (header ”AroCell´s nomination committee”).

The proposals should be submitted to the nomination committee before January 31st, 2024.

Datum 2023-11-16, kl 15:50
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