Notice to the holders of the SEK 500,000,000 Floating Rate Tier 2 Notes, ISIN: XS1914314726, of full redemption.


Arion Bank hf. (the “Bank”) hereby gives notice to holders of the subordinated SEK 500,000,000 Floating Rate Tier 2 Notes, ISIN: XS1914314726, due November 2028 (the “Notes”) that, having obtained the prior approval of the Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland, the Bank will redeem the Notes in full on the first optional redemption date, 22 November 2023, pursuant to Condition 5.3 of the Notes.
Following such redemption of the Notes, the Notes will be cancelled pursuant to Condition 5.6 of the Notes.

Datum 2023-10-20, kl 16:07
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