Arion Bank HF - Entry into new Deed of Covenant relating to Series 2021-1 (ISIN: XS2391348740) and Series 2021-2 (ISIN: XS2500208991) Covered Bonds


Arion Bank HF has entered into a new Deed of Covenant in relation to Series 2021-1 (ISIN: XS2391348740) and Series 2021-2 (ISIN: XS2500208991) Covered Bonds.

Clauses 8, 11 and 12 of this Deed of Covenant will apply alongside the existing deeds of covenant Series 2021-1 (ISIN: XS2391348740) and Series 2021-2 (ISIN: XS2500208991) Covered Bonds are issued under.  
Annexed to this announcement is the Deed of Covenant.

Datum 2023-12-15, kl 12:55
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