Arion Bank hf.: Covered Bond Offering Results.


Today Arion Bank has concluded a sale of covered bonds in the series ARION CBI 28 for a total of ISK 2,900 m.

In the series ARION CBI 28 a total of 16 bids for ISK 3,140 m were received at a yield in the range of 4.32 – 4.36%. Bids in the amount of ISK 2,900 m were accepted at a 4.35% yield. The total size of the series following the issuance will be ISK 9,100 m.

The bonds are scheduled to be admitted to trading on Nasdaq Iceland on November 15th 2024.

The bonds will be issued under Arion Bank‘s covered bond programme. The Base Prospectus is available here.

The offering is managed by Arion Bank Capital Markets.

Datum 2024-11-11, kl 17:40
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