Arion Bank hf.: Announcement concerning exercise of warrants ARIONW24 and issuance of new shares


Arion Bank hf. (hereafter “the Company”) received notification of the exercising of warrants ARIONW24 during the third exercise period which concluded on 30 May 2024. This pertains to the exercising of warrants relating to a total of 1,205,126 new shares in the Company.

Today, the Board of Directors exercised its authorization pursuant to Annex no. 2, cf. Article 3.5 of the Company’s articles of association, to increase the Company’s share capital in order to cover the exercising of the aforementioned warrants. The Company’s share capital will therefore be increased by ISK 1,205,126 and after the increase it stands at ISK 1,462,335,382 at nominal value, after the issue of the new shares. Each share is ISK 1 nominal value and accompanied by one vote.
The share capital increase will be reported to and registered by the Icelandic Internal Revenue’s register of companies, and new shares will be issued by Nasdaq Central Securities Depository and it will be requested that they be admitted to trading on Nasdaq Iceland’s regulated market.

Datum 2024-05-31, kl 15:10
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