Half-year report Jan-Jun 2024


Annehem Fastigheter AB (publ) strengthens the income from property management and delivers a positive net letting in a challenging market environment. During the period, we report increased rent revenue, an improved net operating income, and a continued high occupancy rate. The income from property management, excl. currency effects, increases by 6.3 percent compared to the same period last year, despite higher interest costs.


  • Rent revenue increased to SEK 136.8 million (124.9)
  • Net operating income increased to SEK 117.1 million (107.1)
  • Income from property management increased to SEK 46.1 million (35.9)
  • Income from property management excl. currency effects increased to
    SEK 50.9 million (47.9)
  • Earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.05 (-1.84)1
  • Investments in existing properties amounted to SEK 47.5 million (34.4)
  • Valuations of investment properties yielded a decrease in fair value of
    SEK -39.9 million (-183.6)
  • The fair value of investment properties amounted to SEK 4,682.6 million (4,343.3)
  • Positive net letting of SEK 14.1 million (18.0)
  • Net reinstatement value (EPRA NRV) per share amounted to SEK 30.8 (41.9)

1) The average number of shares and key figures based on this have been restated by an adjustment factor of 1.1659 for all comparative periods, corresponding to the bonus issue element in this year's rights issue; for more information, refer to Note 7 in the half-year report.

 "Our property operations continue to deliver good results and I am optimistic about the future. With our professional property management, we are close to our tenants and create solutions that meet their needs. This, in combination with our long-term strategy with modern and flexible premises, risk spread in several segments, and high levels of sustainability performance means we are well positioned to benefit from new opportunities that will arise in the market going forward." says Monica Fallenius, CEO of Annehem Fastigheter.

Significant events during the period

  • Annehem has deepened its partnership with the defence authorities in Ljungbyhed Park.
  • Annehem named a "Healthy Place to Work" by OneLab

The half-year report will be published on Annehem's Website.

 July 19, 2024

For further information please contact:
Monica Fallenius, CEO
Tel. +46 70 209 01 14

This information is information that Annehem Fastigheter AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08:00 CEST on July 19, 2024

About Annehem Fastigheter
Annehem Fastigheter is a growth-driven property company specializing in commercial, community service and residential properties in the Nordic growth regions of Stockholm, Skåne, Gothenburg and Helsinki. The property portfolio in Annehem Fastigheter consists of 27 investment properties with a value of SEK 4,682.6 and a lettable area of 207 thousand sqm as of June 30, 2024. The Company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since December 2020 with the ticker ANNE B and have a Nasdaq Green Equity Designation since May 2022. For more information, please visit Annehem's website www.annehem.se.

Datum 2024-07-19, kl 08:00
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