AlzeCure Pharma
AlzeCure Pharma carries out a directed share issue in follow-up to a previously given subscription commitment
AlzeCure Pharma AB (“AlzeCure” or the “Company”) carried out a new issue of shares in the spring of 2024 with observance of the shareholders' preferential subscription rights (the “Rights Issue”). The Company's shareholder FV Group AB had undertaken to subscribe for its pro rata share of the shares in the Rights Issue, corresponding to SEK 3,740,000. Only later have FV Group AB and the Company been able to ascertain that, due to a mistake, subscription never took place. FV Group AB is now instead subscribing for what FV Group AB would have subscribed for in the Rights Issue in accordance with its previous commitment.
The Rights Issue was approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting on April 25, 2024 and then closed on May 17, 2024. The outcome was reported in a press release on May 20, 2024. Already in March, FV Group AB had undertaken to subscribe for its pro rata share, at the time approximately 7.1 percent, of the shares in the then upcoming Rights Issue, corresponding to 2,200,000 shares. FV Group AB's subscription commitment is reported in the prospectus that the Company prepared in connection with the Rights Issue.
During the month of July, the Company and FV Group AB have jointly been able to establish that FV Group AB's subscription in accordance with the agreement never took place. FV Group AB has explained that the company's belief was that it fulfilled its subscription commitment under the Rights Issue.
For AlzeCure, it is important to secure the capital contribution that FV Group AB has undertaken to provide with its subscription commitment - a subscription commitment that has also been reported to the market and thus could form the basis for others' investment decisions in the Rights Issue. There are thus reasons to, with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, now decide on the issue of the shares that FV Group AB would have subscribed for in the Rights Issue.
The subscription price per share under the subscription undertaking would correspond to the subscription price per share in the Rights Issue, i.e. SEK 1.70 per share. The subscription price had been determined in discussions with those who eventually came to issue guarantees and subscription commitments in the Rights Issue, and after the Company's assessment of what price was otherwise required for a successful completion of the Rights Issue.
Directed new share issue
In light of the above, the Company's board of directors has today, based on the authorization granted at the Annual General Meeting on 14 May 2024, resolved on a new issue of a maximum of 2,200,000 shares in the Company to, with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, be subscribed for by FV Group AB at a subscription price of SEK 1.70 per share, in total corresponding to SEK 3,740,000, in accordance with FV Group AB's previously made commitment.
With the new share issue, the Company's number of outstanding shares will increase from 86,095,200 to a total of 88,295,200 and the Company's share capital from SEK 2,152,380 to a total of SEK 2,207,380.
Datum | 2024-07-18, kl 09:00 |
Källa | MFN |