Alligo consolidates its concept brands in the Nordic region

As a result, the company's Grolls stores will be changing their name to Swedol in Sweden and to TOOLS in Finland. In Norway, all the Univern stores will be brought together under the TOOLS brand. 


-         Since Swedol, TOOLS, Grolls and Univern were formed into a single group in 2020, we have been working to create a common platform for all our concept brands. Alligo is now an integrated company with joint procurement processes, shared logistics and a common product range. Consolidating our brands will help to enhance sales, says Håkan Wanselius, Head of Assortment and Procurement at Alligo.


This change is already under way and will be completed during 2024. A total of 49 stores are affected. In Sweden, Swedol will become a retail chain of 90 stores, while TOOLS will have 57 stores in Norway and 40 in Finland.


-         Customers will not notice any major differences as a result of the name change. They will continue to shop just as before and can find us in the same places and have contact with the same sales staff, explains Håkan Wanselius.


For further information, please contact:
Clein Ullenvik, Group President and CEO
Irene Wisenborn Bellander, CFO
Tel. +46 8 712 00 00

About Alligo
Alligo is a leading player within workwear, personal protective equipment, tools and consumables in the Nordic region. The Group generates annual revenue of around SEK 9.5 billion and has approximately 2,500 employees. Alligo AB (publ) has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since June 2017. Read more at

Alligo AB (publ)

Box 631, 135 26 Tyresö · Vindkraftsvägen 2, 135 70 Tyresö · Telephone +46 (0) 8 - 727 27 20 ·


Datum 2023-10-20, kl 08:30
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