The exercise period for Alligator’s warrants of series TO 6 begins today

Today, on August 17, 2023, the exercise period for warrants series TO 6 in Alligator Bioscience AB (publ) ("Alligator" or the "Company") commences. The subscription price per share that is subscribed through exercise of warrants has been set to SEK 0.40. The exercise period for the warrants lasts until August 31, 2023. If all warrants are exercised, Alligator will receive approximately SEK 20 million before issue costs. The Company's largest owner, Koncentra Holding AB (part of Allegro Investment Fund), with an ownership of 30.3 percent of the share capital, has expressed its intention to exercise all of its held warrants.

Summarized terms and conditions for warrants series TO 6:

  • The exercise period for the warrants runs from and including August 17, 2023, to and including August 31, 2023.
  • Eight (8) warrants of series TO 6 entitle the holder to subscribe for one (1) new ordinary share in the Company.
  • Trading in warrants is ongoing to and including August 29, 2023. Warrants that are not exercised by August 31, 2023, expire without value.
  • Holders of warrants who have their holdings nominee-registered must notify the exercise of warrants by contacting their respective nominee and follow the nominee's instructions regarding subscription and payment. This should take place well before August 31, 2023, as different nominees have different processing times.
  • Holders of warrants who have their holdings directly registered must notify the exercise of warrants by filling in and submitting an application form for the exercise, so that the application form is received by the issuing agent, Aktieinvest FK, no later than August 31, 2023. The application form is available on the Company's, the issuing agent's and Redeye AB's respective websites.
  • If all warrants are exercised, Alligator will receive approximately SEK 20 million before issue costs.
  • Complete terms and conditions for the warrants are available on the Company’s website,

Increase in number of shares and share capital

Upon full utilization of all 402,990,941 warrants series TO 6, the share capital will increase by a maximum of SEK 3,223,927.488 to SEK 43,193,570.304 through the issuance of a maximum of 50,373,867 new ordinary shares, resulting in that the total number of shares in the Company will increase from 624,525,669 to 674,899,536, whereof 673,949,686 are ordinary shares and 949,850 series C shares. Upon full utilization of all warrants series TO 6, the dilution of the ordinary shares amounts to approximately 7.5 per cent. The total number of votes in the Company will, following full utilization of all warrants series TO 6, amount to 674,044,671.

DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA, Sweden Branch and Redeye AB act as Joint Global Coordinators in connection with the Rights Issue. Setterwalls Advokatbyrå AB acts as legal adviser and Aktieinvest FK AB acts as the issuing agent in connection with the Rights Issue.

Datum 2023-08-17, kl 08:30
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