Nomination Committee appointed in respect of AGM 2025 in Alligator Bioscience AB


Lund, Sweden, October 31, 2024 – Alligator Bioscience (Nasdaq Stockholm: ATORX) today announces that the Nomination Committee in preparation for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 7, 2025, has been appointed.

Pursuant to the instruction for the Nomination Committee adopted by the AGM in 2019, the Nomination Committee for the Alligator Bioscience AGM 2025 shall consist of four members, representing the three largest shareholders at the last weekday of June, together with the Chairman of the Board. If a shareholder does not exercise its right to appoint a member, entitlement to appoint a member of the Nomination Committee transfers to the shareholder who is the next largest shareholder in terms of voting rights.

Based on the above, the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2025 has been established to consist of the following persons, together representing approximately 44.6 percent of the shares and votes in the company as per the end of June 2024:

  • Bertil Brinck, representing Koncentra Holding AB;
  • Lars Bergkvist, representing Roxette Photo SA;
  • Magnus Pettersson, representing his own shareholding; and
  • Anders Ekblom, Chairman of the Board.

Bertil Brinck has been appointed Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The task of the Nomination Committee’s prior to AGM is to prepare and submit proposals regarding the Chairman of the AGM, the number of Board members elected by the AGM, the Chairman and other Board members elected by the AGM, the fees and other remuneration for each of the Board members elected by the AGM and for members of Board committees, the number of auditors, the auditors, the fee for auditors and election of a Nomination Committee, or alternatively a decision on principles for appointing a Nomination Committee, as well as instructions for the Nomination Committee.

Shareholders wishing to submit proposals or comments to the Nomination Committee may do so via email to marked “Att. Nomination committee” or by letter to Alligator Bioscience AB, Nomination Committee, Medicon Village, 223 81 Lund, Sweden. To ensure that the proposals can be considered by the Nomination Committee, proposals shall be submitted in due time before the Annual General Meeting, but not later than 31 January 2025.

The Nomination Committee's proposals will be presented in the notice convening the AGM and on the company's website.

Datum 2024-10-31, kl 08:15
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