Alligator Bioscience to Participate in Upcoming Industry Conferences in November 2023

Lund, Sweden – Alligator Bioscience (Nasdaq Stockholm: ATORX) today announces that senior company representatives will participate in the following conferences during November 2023:

  • Investival Showcase, November 13, London
    Søren Bregenholt, Chief Executive Officer of Alligator Bioscience, will present the company, its latest developments and upcoming catalysts to investors at 11.30 am GMT on the Biotech Public Stage.
  • Jefferies London Healthcare Conference, November 14-16, London
    Søren Bregenholt, Chief Executive Officer of Alligator Bioscience, will attend the conference to meet investors and potential strategic partners.
  • ØU Life Science Investor Konference, November 22, Copenhagen
    Søren Bregenholt, Chief Executive Officer of Alligator Bioscience, will present the company, its latest developments and upcoming catalysts to investors at 16.15.
Datum 2023-11-09, kl 08:30
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