Aino Health (publ) changes Certified Adviser to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ)


Aino Health today announces a change of Certified Adviser from Erik Penser Bank AB to Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ).

Aino Health has entered into an agreement with Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) regarding the position as Certified Adviser. Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) will take over as Certified Adviser on November 30, 2023. Until then, Erik Penser Bank AB will continue to act as Certified Adviser to the company.

The Company’s Certified Adviser is Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ).

For more information
Jyrki Eklund
CEO Aino Health
Phone: +358 40 042 4221

About Aino Health (publ)
Aino Health is the leading provider of Software as a Service solutions in Corporate Health Management.
The company’s complete system of SaaS platforms and services reduces sick leave, lowers related costs and improves business outcomes through increased productivity and employee engagement by making health, well-being and safety an integral part of daily work. For more information visit

Datum 2023-11-30, kl 08:30
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