Advenica receives order worth 2.5 MSEK from Swedish authority

Authorities often have information that can be valuable both for society, the authority and for the individual. If such information is lost or incorrect, it can have disastrous consequences. The need to protect valuable information is constantly increasing and authorities need solutions that ensure that sensitive information is protected, and that infrastructure can function, while meeting the public sector's need for accessibility and connectivity.

Advenica specialises in products and solutions that ensure that the most valuable information is secure. Our Cross Domain Solution-products enable a strictly controlled and filtered exchange of information between domains with different security or protection needs and therefore contribute to higher information security.

Advenica has now received an order for Cross Domain solution-products from a Swedish authority. Delivery of the order will take place immediately.

"Our products help authorities take their digital responsibility, protect classified information and at the same time ensure a functioning infrastructure says Marie Bengtsson, CEO Advenica.

For further information, please contact:
Marie Bengtsson, CEO Advenica AB, +46 (0) 703 860 032

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 15.25 CET on May 3rd, 2024.

Datum 2024-05-03, kl 15:25
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