ADDvise Group successfully issues subsequent senior secured bonds of SEK 450 million


ADDvise Group AB (publ) has successfully issued subsequent senior secured bonds of SEK 450 million under its existing bond loan with ISIN SE0020180271. Following the bond issue, in total SEK 1,450 million will be outstanding under the framework. The subsequent bonds was priced at 101.75% of par and carry a floating interest rate of STIBOR 3m plus 5.50 per cent per annum. The settlement date for the bond issue is expected to be 20 November 2023.

The bond issue was met with strong demand from Nordic and international institutional investors and was upsized by SEK 50 million on the back of heavy oversubscription.


Pareto Securities AB acted as Sole Global Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) acted as Joint Bookrunner in connection with the bond issue.


For further information, please contact:

Oliver Humlen, CFO
+46 (0)70-916 26 97


About ADDvise Group (publ)

ADDvise Group AB (publ) is a leading supplier of equipment to healthcare and research facilities. The Group consists of two business areas, Lab and Healthcare. Sales are global. The Group has a clear acquisition strategy with the aim of raising shareholder value and expanding the business – both geographically and product-wise. ADDvise Group’s shares are listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market and Mangold Fondkommission AB, +46 8 503 015 50,, is the Company's Certified Adviser. Additional information is available at


Datum 2023-10-30, kl 13:28
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