The Nomination Committee's proposal for new Chairman of the Board of Addtech AB


The Nomination Committee proposes that Board member Malin Nordesjö will be elected as Chairman of the Board at the 2024 Annual General Meeting. The current Chairman Kenth Eriksson has declined re-election.

"I am very proud of the Group's development during the eight years I have been part of the Board. I would like to thank the shareholders for their trust and at the same time take this opportunity to wish Addtech, its Board of Directors, management and all employees all the best for the future," says Kenth Eriksson, Chairman of the Board.

"I would like to thank Kenth for eight years of great commitment to Addtech's successful development. I am convinced that the new Chairman Malin Nordesjö together with CEO Niklas Stenberg will continue to develop the company in a very good way," says Chairman of the Nomination Committee Anders Börjesson.

Malin Nordesjö, born 1976, holds a Master of Science in Business and Economics, and has been a Board member since 2015. Malin is a Board member of Bergman & Beving AB and in a number of companies in the Tisenhult Group. She has experience from senior positions within the Tisenhult Group and Tritech Technology.

"Addtech is a very well-run company with a unique culture and strong business model and strategy. I look forward to the Annual General Meeting and to leading the Board's work and continuing to develop the company in accordance with our core values together with Addtech's management team," says Board member Malin Nordesjö.

Furthermore, the Nomination Committee proposes re-election of the Board members Henrik Hedelius, Ulf Mattsson, Malin Nordesjö, Niklas Stenberg and Annikki Schaeferdiek. Kenth Eriksson has declined re-election.

Fredrik Börjesson is proposed as a new member of the Board of Directors.

Fredrik Börjesson was born in 1978 and holds a Master of Science in Business and Economics. He has experience from leading positions within the Tisenhult Group. Fredrik is Chairman of the Board of Lagercrantz Group AB, Board member of Bergman & Beving AB and Board member of a number of companies within the Tisenhult Group AB.

The Nomination Committee’s proposal entails that the number of Board members is suggested to be six during the forthcoming term of office. 

The Nomination Committee's additional proposals will be published in conjunction with the notice of the Annual General Meeting 2024.

The Addtech Nomination Committee for the 2024 Annual General Meeting consists of Anders Börjesson (appointed by Tisenhult Invest AB), Henrik Hedelius (appointed by Tom Hedelius), Marianne Nilsson (appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder), Per Trygg (appointed by Lannebo Fonder) and Leif Almhorn (appointed by SEB Investment Management).

Stockholm, May 22, 2024

Addtech AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:
Niklas Stenberg, President of Addtech AB, +46 8 470 49 00
Malin Enarson, CFO, +46 705 97 94 73

Addtech is a technical solutions group that provides technological and economic value added in the link between manufacturers and customers. Addtech operates in selected niches in the market for advanced technology products and solutions. Its customers primarily operate in the manufacturing industry and infrastructure. Addtech has about 3,900 employees in more than 150 subsidiaries that operate under their own brands. The Group has annual sales of more than SEK 18 billion. Addtech is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

This information is information that Addtech AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at 6.00 p.m CEST on May 22 2024.

Datum 2024-05-22, kl 18:00
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