Leading global pharma company evaluates AcouWash for quality control in an R&D setting

AcouSort has received an order for a six-month rental and application support for an AcouWash system from a leading global pharma company. Initial revenues amount to EUR 14,000.

The rental period commenced at the beginning of October and was kicked off with an on-site installation and training at one of the customer’s R&D labs. The rental period will continue for a minimum of six months. The aim of the project is to evaluate if AcouSort’s technology can be implemented to improve sample preparation in the customer’s R&D quality control procedures.

“This collaboration is immensely exciting, and we are very much looking forward to working together with this new and important partner to explore AcouWash’s potential for improving quality control in cell culturing workflows. The collaboration is yet another example of how instrument rentals provide a swift route to new and promising collaborations,” says Agnes Michanek, Commercial Director at AcouSort.

Datum 2024-10-23, kl 10:00
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